Adaptive Cooperative Control in Urban (sub)Sytems
The ACCUS project tackled the challenge of integrating urban systems like traffic, energy, and outdoor lighting, which are managed by independent embedded systems. This integration aimed to enable new applications and optimize collective performance without disrupting the individual systems’ purposes and policies. ACCUS focused on three main innovations: creating an integration and coordination platform for urban systems, developing an adaptive and cooperative control architecture, and providing methodologies and tools for real-time collaborative applications. The project validated its system and tools through an extended use case in Poland, leveraging the work of several other ARTEMIS projects and a consortium with extensive experience in European and National programs.
Project Information
Organization | European Comission |
Program | FP7 |
ID | ARTEMIS-333020 |
Financing | Artemis-IA Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo |
Start date | 2013-06-01 |
End date | 2015-10-30 |
Links |

This project has recived funding from the Artemis program with Project code ARTEMIS-333020-1.